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Many bloggers struggle with publishing blog posts on a consistent basis. I get it. I’ve had weeks fly by without publishing a new blog post.

Yet, we know that content marketing is an essential strategy for us to grow our audience. So, what’s the answer?

Create a blog post checklist.

One of the main reasons we don’t publish more blog posts is because we see it as a task, not a project. Amateurs sit down and think they can just knock out a blog post in one sitting. What often happens is they grow frustrated with how long writing and publishing just one blog post takes.

But if you follow your favorite bloggers’ writing habits, you’ll notice something interesting.

They have a process.

In other words, they have a well-documented blog post checklist to follow. Here are a few benefits of having a blog post checklist:

How to Create a Blog Post Checklist in Asana

  • You can focus on just the next task
  • You can see all of the steps and improve (or simplify) your workflow
  • You can begin to delegate parts of your creation process
  • You’re not dependent on one 30-minute session to get it all done.

Step 1. Create an Asana Section called “Templates”

This will keep your content creation efforts separate from your other projects. Also, once you assign a due date to a blog post, it will show up under your “calendar view” for that project. In this view, you can see your upcoming blog posts (see image below).

Step 2. Create an Asana project called Content Calendar.

  1. You can focus on just the next task
  2. You can see all of the steps and improve (or simplify) your workflow
  3. You can begin to delegate parts of your creation process
  4. You’re not dependent on one 30-minute session to get it all done.
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Author: Ahmad Wael

احمد وائل عمري 28 عام من سوريا مختص صيانة حسوب وموبايل ومحب للتقنية بجميع اشكالها ولدي خبرة برمجية بتصميم مواقع الويب واتمنى ان اكون مصدر جيد لتعليم اشياء مفيدة لكم
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